Former Theater Fijnhout strives to become a place where up-and-coming creatives can research, share, fail and learn.
Group Exhibition:
Gut Fauna
Opening: 23/11
FOUR ARTISTS, FOUR DAYS, ONE MADLAB! Come down to Cultureel Centrum 't Fijnhout between 20th and the 23rd of April to see what the MADLAB does best.
Anne Lakeman
Irina Djojoatmodjo
Margherita Soldati
Theater in Amsterdam Oud-West that 3 students from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy will breathe new life into and start an exhibition space. Local residents can also propose initiatives. Studio spaces available.
Fijnhout Theater in Amsterdam-West, Lootsstraat 39
2017-2018 (ended)
exhibition, studios