
Designblog is an online research project initiated by Henk Groenendijk. It is part of the Foundation Year’s design program and stimulates interaction between the design world and all the Foundation Year students. Designblog has 693 postings, 16 projects, 33 categories and over 1534 tags.

What does Design mean, where is it happening and who is involved?

Founder (person or department)

GRA Basicyear


Henk Groenendijk
Matthias Kreutzer


To investigate a variety of related subjects in connection to contemporary developments in the design field.


Online Research Platform for Design with excursions, meetings, lectures & workshops

Target Group

Basicyear students

Founding year

2007-2019 (ended)

Further information

design, graphic design, design theory, writing, blog, essays, platform for publishing

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