We are the LACU, a space to rethink and challenge the notions of what it means to be from Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of an art school in the Netherlands.
Latin America is often understood as a conglomerate of similar languages and/or geographies located south of the United States. However, this definition excludes the historical and cultural complexity of each country, focusing on the perception of Latin by a western, colonialist perspective.
What glues Latin America as such, beyond language and territory, is the shared experience of societies dissident from the global north, scarred by colonial violence. We recognize that colonialism hasn’t stopped but just transformed and continues.
To be Latin American today is to be a walking paradigm, questioning our past, being unsettled about the present, and hoping for a future.
The LACU aims to be a platform to rethink ways of resistance through decentralizing knowledge as a form of recognition, and create a community of care.
15:00-17:00 @ Rozenstraat 59
@ Sandberg Kitchen, 3rd floor BC building
You are welcome to participate in the communal build up of the ofrenda (offering) for the Day of the Dead.
Are you interested in joining the Latin American and Caribbean Union? Come come come to our first meeting of the year on Monday 25th of October at 12:00 room 230!
The Latin American and Caribbean Union invites you to reunite and meet in a group-made dinner, to share ideas for the upcoming year but most importantly to share good company and good food!
...desde Museo Mac Chile.
In collaboration with Recipes for a Technological Undoing, an extracurricular program organized by Ladipo Famodu (Design Department), and the Latin American & Caribbean Union of Sandberg and Rietveld, we invite you to the first Lecture of the cycle "Squint", by Ana Maria Millan.
Arroz a la mexicana by LACU
Live for Rietveld Open Day
A film by Juan Arturo garcia, screening + close reading at the Rietveld Pavilion, from 17:00
Join the game, pass the orange at the Rietveld Pavilion , 17:00pm November 6th. Video Installation and experimental togetherness
Ch’ixi it’s an indigenous metaphoric concept from South America which is the color that appears by placing next to each other two different colors.
Ch'ixis entities are presented as powerful because they are undetermined, because they are not white or black, are both at the same time.
Mestizaje Ch’ixi would be a reflection on the reconciling posture on different intelligences and cognitive powers.
All of these formulated by following studies of the Bolivian feminist, sociologist historian and subaltern theorist, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui (1949).
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The LCU is having the 1st meeting of the year this Wednesday in the Glass Pavilion at 15:00! Let's all meet and share! We will talk about matters we'd like to talk about during the course of the year, project proposals, people we'd like to invite over for table talks, parties, younaaaaaameit! See you there!
HOLA!!! We're screening ROMA, by Alfonso Cuaron!!
When: TUESDAY, 21st of May, at 3:00 PM
Lauren Fong
Su Melo
Josefina Gilardi
Catalina Reyes
Mariana Jurado Rico
Clara Ines Aramburo Torres
Marian Rosa van Bodegraven
Marisa Esther Torres Rodríguez
Michelle Mildenberg Lara
student support, decolonisation, eurocentrism
You are welcome to participate in the communal build up of the ofrenda (offering) for the Day of the Dead.
This year there is going to be a communal offering at the Rietveld Pavilion on Wednesday 3rd of November, until Friday 5th, which is going to be slowly built up by the different objects people bring to the table.
These objects can represent a loved one who passed away recently, a long time ago, or something that has come to an end.
You are welcome to bring any type of object, clay statue, small drawing, an amulet, the favourite candy of the dead person, a picture, a letter, flowers. The objects can be picked up again on Friday evening or on Saturday.
In many parts of the world death is celebrated by remembering our loved ones who passed away, commemorating their lives and what we shared with them.
We celebrate life by celebrating death.
In Mexico, death is celebrated on the Day of the Dead, a week long celebration to bring honour to our dead loved ones by building up an offering with pictures, food, flowers and different objects to celebrate and reflect on death.
On Thursday 4th there will be a baking workshop for making pan de muerto (bread for dead) from 7PM onwards. We will let the dough rest at night and baking will happen on Friday morning.
We will share the bread with people coming to the offering and with each other.
Friday 5th from 11AM onwards you are welcome to come with a hot drink to gather around the offering, eat some pan de muerto, share stories, memories, thoughts or just a good moment.
If you want to participate in the baking workshop please email clara.aram.5@gmail.com