Rietveld Sandberg Research

Research at the Rietveld Academie and the Sandberg Instituut is research that opens the possibilities of imagination. This means that questioning dominant paradigms becomes embedded in the way we approach learning, making and creating. Imagination that is not limited to the way things are but rather to the possibilities of what could be. We conceive of the academy as a place for interdisciplinary research and cross-pollination that exceeds the confines of conventional academic disciplines.

This perspective on research is grounded in a broad and encompassing practice that challenges conventional ways in which knowledges are produced. Drawing on critical pedagogy, critical making and emancipatory research, we give space to an environment that opens itself for different ways of producing and approaching knowledge. We believe in emancipatory research that does not require endorsement from institutions either academic or from civil society but research that operates independently and across disciplines driven by the needs of broad developments. No longer bound by canonical practices that dictate what is proper knowledge, we open ourselves up for the possibilities of the uncharted, those paths that have not yet been forged and do not yet have a space of institutional representation. This intentional subversion of canonical knowledge should not be confused with chaotic or non-rigorous research practices. On the contrary, we purposefully foster rigorous research from an emancipatory perspective based on principles of openness, empowerment, accountability and reciprocity.

In our search for new forms of engagement with research we work through de-centering and dislocating the traditional sources of knowledge to give way to what has always been relegated to the periphery. Knowledge, then, not as a top/down resource that is transmitted through authoritative practices but as part of shared experiences where the emphasis is put in searching together rather than in uncritical dominance.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
16 May
Lecture by Tom Vandeputte: On the Concept of Critique

Tom Vandeputte will reflect on the concept of critique and its relation to the idea of an exit from an untenable situation, followed by a discussion with Marija Cetinić.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
19 Apr
Climate Imagenaries @ Sea Festival

The Climate Imaginaries at Sea coalition is excited to invite you to our upcoming festival in Amsterdam. An event for artistic and participatory research practices that speculate possible futures in and around water. Join us for an exciting week-long exploration with two exhibitions, an open studio day programme, the launch of the second issue of the Making Waves zine, a closing concert and more.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
17 Apr
Art & Spatial Praxis: Plot(ting)

We are delighted to invite you to the launch of the publication of Plot(ting) on April 17th from 14:30 to 19:00, hosted at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Fedlev Building, Room FL101.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
1 Mar
Philosophy Seminars: Bataille on Animality

The Philosophy Seminars of the spring-summer semester will focus on George Bataille’s writings on animals and animality. Over the course of three seminars, convened by Tom Vandeputte, we will discuss Bataille’s famous texts and lectures on the figuration of the human and the animal in the Lascaux cave paintings; the place of the animal in his theory of religion and the sacred; and the ethical and political implications of his brief essay The Friendship Between Man and Beast, addressing the subjugation and liberation of animal life. Besides Bataille’s philosophical reflections, we will also discuss his notes for an unrealised film, found among his papers at the time of his death. The seminar series is open to all, but registration is necessary and a commitment to attending all three seminars is appreciated.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
28 Feb
Publication Launch: Perpetual Stew

We are proud to announce the launch of the Sandberg Instituut Graduation Exhibition 2023 Publication, titled Perpetual Stew (2024), the second in a new series of publications organized by Public Sandberg which began last year with The Salmon of Knowledge (2023). Perpetual Stew compiles the writing of 18 incredible authors who were invited to conduct interviews with and ruminate on the works of our nearly 60 graduates, from 7 departments.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
23 Feb
Green Screens: Animal Anxieties

A series of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema.

This three-part program aims to explore anxieties surrounding human-animal relations, as depicted in 20th-century genre-fiction movies. We will watch and discuss three films together, each selected to represent specific anxieties expressed through cinema, either directly or metaphorically.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
13 Jan
Book launch: The City as Anthology: Movements at the Margins of Public Space

To kick off the year 2024, we are happy to invite you to join us for the book launch of 'The City as Anthology: Movements at the Margins of Public Space' by Mariken Overdijk on 13 January at 3pm, at Zone2Source, Amstelpark, Glass Pavilion.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
5 Dec
Week on Algorithmic Cultures

A programme by Flavia Dzodan, head of the Research group on Algorithmic Cultures

Rietveld Sandberg Research
16 Nov
Research Café - autumn/winter 2023

Research Café is a series of lectures on methodology, open to all students, staff, tutors, and alumni of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
2 Nov
Curves of inquiry

Curves of Inquiry is a Gerrit Rietveld Academie initiative that showcases the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the previous academic year. Each of these projects is carried out in close collaboration with a department of the Rietveld Academie or Sandberg Instituut to foster relationships between educational programs, research activities, and societal issues.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
18 Oct
Workshop: Unionizing the Speculative

Unionizing the Speculative is an informal gathering that invites precarious cultural workers whose value of labor is likely to be challenged under the influence of generative AI. Participants will explore the collective strategy of advocacy through Speculoos biscuits containing AI-generated images.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
5 Oct
Müge Yilmaz - lecture

Müge Yılmaz’s work and research presents speculative narratives on the future distilled through feminist science fiction. Over the academic year, Müge will be working with the students from TXT and Architectural Design, while conducting her own research into salt. These activities are part of the Climate Imaginaries at Sea project. On October 5th, Müge will introduce her research project on salt.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
5 Oct
Workshop by Brackish Collective

On October 5 LASP hosts a lecture by Müge Yilmaz on salt. Before the lecture, from 11.00 to 13.00, you have the opportunity to attend a workshop by the Brackish Collective in the kitchen of the Sandberg Instituut. Working with halophytes and other salt-resistant plants - all which grow in the dunes and coastal areas of The Netherlands - this workshop will be an experimental tasting and attempt at collaborative sensorial mapping involving ten plants, ranging from sea asparagus and dune roses to sea purslane, sea buckthorn and red clover, amongst others.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
22 Jun
I am going to be your last teacher

"I am going to be your last teacher. Not because I'll be the greatest teacher you may ever encounter, but because from me you will learn how to learn. When you learn how to learn, you will realize that there are no teachers, that there are only people learning and people learning how to facilitate learning." – Moshé Feldenkrais

Rietveld Sandberg Research
26 May

Apply for the international exchange project, WASALIWA, a collaboration of Framer Framed, the Sandberg Instituut and the Oceania Arts Centre in Fiji. We are looking for Amsterdam based artists to explore the ecological history and future of the Pacific Islands through a series of workshops 5, 6, 7, and 8 June 2023. Send in your motivation statement before 26 May to apply!

Rietveld Sandberg Research
25 Apr
Green Screens: Xenoecologies

Join us for an evening of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema.
Open to students, staff, graduates and friends.
Auditorium, 3rd Floor, Sandberg BC Building.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
20 Apr
A.I. for Artists

A workshop on how to apply algorithmic image creation with deep learning techniques for artists and creatives.

Workshop by: Enrique Gutiérrez
Hosted by: the Artificial Intelligence Research Cell at Sandberg Instituut

Rietveld Sandberg Research
13 Apr
Climate Imaginaries at Sea | Studio Encounters on Water

The ARIAS coalition Climate Imaginaries at Sea invites you to Studio Encounters on Water, a two-day event filled with workshops, presentations, talks and pod reading sessions where you can learn more about what we’ve done, where we are going and how you can be part of it.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
13 Apr

An open call for the research group Art and Spatial Praxis run by Patricia de Vries with Liza Print.

Deadline: April 13, 2023

Rietveld Sandberg Research
30 Mar
Public Sewer 5: Sam Keogh talks Fortnite, with screening of The Island

Public Sandberg presents its monthly series of talks—PUBLIC SEWER—where guests are invited to speak about the strange things building up in the margins of their creative practices.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
29 Mar

IN SEARCH OF MONEY seeks to unravel how art and design within capitalism are driven by money. We will consider if culture, like people, is inevitably cast in a role of extremes - money-making machine or oppressed victim.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
21 Mar
Fellows in process - Spring 2023

Workshop and Lecture Series by the Research Fellows of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut 2022/23

Rietveld Sandberg Research
22 Feb
Public Sewer 4: Graduation Book Launch

Public Sandberg presents Public Sewer 4: Graduation Book Launch Edition, where we will launch Sandberg Instituut’s Graduation Publication for 2022—titled The Salmon of Knowledge, the first in a new series of publications—featuring works of and essays about graduating students, and made in collaboration with Our Polite Society and photographers Sander van Wettum and Tom Philip Janssen.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
15 Feb
Ecological Imaginaries, Seminar 4: Combing the Desert

February 15th @ Critical Studies Studio Space, 4pm-7pm

Rietveld Sandberg Research
8 Feb
Deterritorializing Intelligence – an *un*scripted studio dialog with Flavia Dzodan and Femke Herregraven

Hosted by Sandberg Research - Artificial Intelligence

Rietveld Sandberg Research
7 Feb
Blurring The Format - Expanded Publishing for Practice-Based Research

What is the role of publishing within practice-based research? In research publications, more often than not media production—be it audiovisual or any other form of artistic practice that isn’t writing—is still seen as somehow inferior; mere support material.

Expanded publishing, or expanded outputs as we define it, is the research lens that tries to solve this question by going beyond both traditional and artistic publishing practices.
With THE VOID (a new research project set up by INC), over the past year, there has been tons of research and experimentation with audio-visual production and distribution. To do so, THE VOID team decided to approach the topic by starting the production of their own content, in collaboration with artists. Now, after the first year of experimentation, we are trying to collect different ideas and questions that arose during this time of research. To properly set up a research agenda, we believe it’s crucial to engage in conversations with other artists, researchers, and experts from within the field.

In setting up this event, THE VOID aims to gather and discuss the role of expanded publishing and its possible trajectories. The program will consist of two parts. First, we begin with the presentation of the multimedia research done by the artist collective timeis.capital, which is creating a repository for self-organized initiatives in the art world through different multimedia means such as video, audio and 3D footage. This presentation will be the starting point for a broader discussion on the role of publishing and archiving for practice-based research. How can publishing be expanded to non-text-based output as well? What does it mean open source publishing audiovisual projects? How can artistic researchers share transparent workflows without diminishing their labor? How we can make the language of practice-based research more understandable? How do we make a wide variety of conversations happen in audio-visual language? We would like to discuss these and many other topics together with a group of experts from various fields such as art research, education, publishing, archiving, and (new) media industries.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
25 Jan
Ecological Imaginaries Seminar 3: On Magical Thinking, Mental Health and Crisis of Imagination

4pm-7pm @ Critical Studies theory room

Rietveld Sandberg Research
8 Dec
Public Sewer 3

Keep your mind in the gutter.™

Rietveld Sandberg Research
30 Nov
Ecological Imaginaries Seminar 2: Why The End of the World is a good thing?

This year, Critical Studies research fellow Olya Korsun organises a series of seminars to collectively map out and question the contours and layers of ecological imaginaries through the study of eco-critical theory and experimental/queer/world cinema. We will open up the second meeting with the question: «How can we even talk about imagination without reviving the spectre of human exceptionalism?»*
What if instead of imagining new worlds we could learn to imagine the existing ones differently and celebrate the coming-to-an-end of human/language/Western – centred imaginaries?
Guided by the lines from Federico Campagna and films by Ana Vaz, Renée Nader Messora, João Salaviza we will look at how worlds are built and left in ruins and how Magic can be transformed from incurable disease into a tool for world-making.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
23 Nov
Open Call Sandberg Research AI

Open Call for a new kenniskring/ research group run by Flavia Dzodan - deadline extended to 23rd of November 00.00AM.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
10 Nov

Invitation to: Fellows Exhibit - a symposium and exhibition by the research fellows 2021-2022.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
10 Nov
Public Sewer 2

Keep your mind in the gutter: S*an D. Henry-Smith talks Hunter x Hunter and Daniel de Paula talks DJ Screw.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
9 Nov
Ecological Imaginaries Inquiry Group meeting 1 - Time observing, hopping and freezing.

Critical Studies auditorium, 4pm-7pm.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
3 Nov
RESEARCH CAFE, a series of seminars on methodology

Research Cafe is an informal seminar series where you can learn more about various research methodologies from different senior researchers at Rietveld and Sandberg. These seminars are open to all students, staff, tutors, and alumni of Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut. Below you can find more information about each session. Preparation is not necessary. Please sign up via the form below. Per session we have space for 20 participants.

Location: Library Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Rietveld Sandberg Research
27 Oct
Ways of Knowing: Digitizing Gestures

A workshop by research fellow Wael el Allouche.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
13 Oct
Goodbye Symposium for Jeroen Boomgaard

Jeroen Boomgaard has led LAPS (Research Institute for Art and Public Space) for 19 years of its existence and has established a strong foundation for artistic research at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut. For over 19 years he has facilitated and strengthened countless relationships between (international) educational institutions, artists, researchers, commissioners and developers, operating in the realms of artistic research and art in public space.

To commemorate Jeroen's achievements, we will say farewell with a symposium on some of the topics he has pursued throughout his career.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
13 Oct
Public Sewer 1

Keep your mind in the gutter.
Flavia Dzodan talks Godzilla & Kaiju & Philip Coyne talks Bigfoot and other green men

Rietveld Sandberg Research
29 Sep
Inaugural Lecture Patricia de Vries: Out of Place

Professor Patricia de Vries will present her inaugural lecture at the start of the academic year 2022–2023. In this lecture, she will elaborate on the research area of LAPS, that will be expanded to ‘LAPS/The City’ in the coming years.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
23 May
Prepper Culture - On the Aesthetics, Politics and Philosophy of Preparing for Dystopia

Join us on Monday 23 May 2022 from 16.00-18.30 at Rietveld Academie's Theory Stairs for presentations and discussions on the imagination of the end times in art, design, architecture, and philosophy.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
17 May
Materialising Materials

Please join us in the Rietveld/Sandberg library next week, Tuesday 17 May—for a playful writing workshop focused engaging with language, material, categorisation and storytelling—hosted by Toni Brell and Naomi Credé.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
11 May
Green Screens: Apocalypse & Extinction

@ 5:30 PM, join us for an evening of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema. Open to students, staff, graduates and friends.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
28 Apr
The Ecological Imagination

Please join us on Thursday, April 28, from 17.00-18.30, for brief presentations by the recipients of the "Ecological Imagination” stipends. Each of the four recipients will share and discuss a sample of their research in progress, prompting a collective discussion on the study of ecological crisis, environmental justice, and planetary futures.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
20 Apr
Green Screens: Decay & Decomposition

@5:30 PM, join us for an evening of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema. Open to students, staff, graduates and friends.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
13 Apr
fellows in process 2022

lecture & workshop series by the 2022 Research Fellows of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and Sandberg Instituut

Rietveld Sandberg Research
6 Apr
Green Screens: Weather & Climate

@ 5:30 PM, join us for an evening of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema. Open to students, staff, graduates and friends.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
16 Mar
Green Screens: Nature & Fascism

@5:30 PM, join us for an evening of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema. Open to students, staff, graduates and friends.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
9 Mar
In Search of Design and (crime) Journalism

16:00-18:00 @ Theory Stairs

Rietveld Sandberg Research
3 Mar
Deterritorializing Intelligence

A public lecture hosted by Femke Herregraven with keynote speaker, dr. Rodrigo Ochigame.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
15 Dec
Green Screens: Extraction & Exploitation

Join us for another screening and discussion on ecology, environment and cinema. Open to students, staff and graduates.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
1 Dec
The Human Ratings System: A roundtable discussion hosted by Flavia Dzodan

17:00-19:00 @ Auditorium 3rd floor BC, Sandberg Instituut

Rietveld Sandberg Research
26 Nov
Making Things Public

A process-presentation by PhD affiliates in works and words

Rietveld Sandberg Research
25 Nov

A radio broadcast marathon concluding with the pre-launch of BLACK REVELRY: In Honor of "The Sugar Shack"

Rietveld Sandberg Research
24 Nov
Green Screens: Agency & Animism

Join us for another screening and discussion on ecology, environment and cinema. Open to students, staff and graduates.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
18 Nov
fellows exhibit

A symposium and exhibition of the Research Fellows of 2020-2021

Rietveld Sandberg Research
3 Nov
Research Cafe - Artificial Intelligence

The Research Cafe is a space to support research projects led by students at Sandberg Instituut. Each session revolves around a specific theme and text related to Artificial Intelligence that we use as a starting point for discussions on the topic. The idea behind the research cafe is to discuss different approaches and understandings to the session’s theme. It is meant as a moment to share “unfinished thinking”. That is, a process of exploring and expanding the possibilities of open-ended research.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
27 Oct
Green Screens

Join us for the first in a series of screenings and discussions on ecology, environment and cinema. Open to students, staff and graduates.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
22 Sep
In Search of Lost Time

On Wednesday 22nd we welcome you to the first Sandberg Research event In Search of Lost Time, hosted by Gabrielle Kennedy. During the sympsium, invited guests Thierry Geoffroy and Toby Sterling alongside alumni David Womack, Johan Deletang, Andrea Gonzalez, Juliette Lépineau, Simpson Tse and Jelia Veldeman will present their research in order to explore the meaning of time in art and journalism. The symposium takes place at Theory Stairs at 4pm.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
18 May
David Bennewith, Noha Ramadan, Swani Vinton : Fellows in Process

Title: Navigation, Gutter, Bleed: Movement and the Visual

Date: Tuesday May 18th

Time: 14.00-17.00 CET

Location: location tbc via mail

Description: movement workshop

Rietveld Sandberg Research
26 Apr
Nina Glockner : Fellows in Process

Title: Mind the Body, Move Matter

Date: Monday, April 26 2021

Time: Practice-based session 1: 10.00-12.00hrs | Practice-based session 2: 14:00-16:00hrs

Location: GYM Gerrit Rietveld Academie.

Participation: Reservation only, max. 15 participants each session. Reserve a spot through eventbrite links below. Note it's for students of Rietveld/Sandberg/Personnel only.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
22 Apr
Amy Suo Wu : Fellows in Process

Title: Ghosts in the family

Date: 22nd of April

Time: 10:00-15:00 CET

Location: 616BC, Sandberg Instituut

Rietveld Sandberg Research
21 Apr
Marjan van Aubel : Fellows in Process

Title: Solar Design

Date: 21st of April

Time: 17.00-18.00 CET

Rietveld Sandberg Research
14 Apr
Nicola Baratto & Yiannis Mouravas : Fellows in Process

Title: MAGICAL MYSTERY HEIST, a guest lecture by Frederico Campagna

Date: 14th of April

Time: 19.00-20.00 CET

Rietveld Sandberg Research
13 Apr
Derrais Carter : Fellows in Process

Title: Black Revelry: Feeling with The Sugar Shack

Date: April 13th at 7pm

Time: 19.00-20.30 CET

Rietveld Sandberg Research
12 Apr
Oskar Johanson : Fellows in Process

Title: Ship space against civic space

Date: 12th of April

Time: 11.00-12.00 CET

Rietveld Sandberg Research
9 Dec
IN/Search RE/Search

Dear Students and Staff, you are very welcome to join the online launch for the book IN/Search RE/Search!

Rietveld Sandberg Research
9 Oct
Research Fellowship Symposium

The research fellowships are a Sandberg/Rietveld initiative to pursue different knowledge practices involving topics such as Artificial Intelligence, The City and New Materials. From both Rietveld and Sandberg a few candidates are selected to research one of the topics and share their project with the students and the community. This fellowship symposium is an ONLINE EVENT open to all Rietveld and Sandberg students. The programme and live stream link will be shared prior to the event.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
28 Sep
CREATOR DOCTUS: Yael Davids & Femke Herregraven

On 28th of September 2020 Yael Davids publicly defended her research concluding the first Creator Doctus (CrD) trajectory. She was awarded the first CrD degree!

The focus of Yael Davids’ research A Daily Practice is on somatic learning and consists of three phases. The research, supervised by the Van Abbemuseum and the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, is inspired by the work of Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais. Feldenkrais developed a method for people to change bodily habits from within. This method has played an important role in Davids’ artistic practice in the last years.

Rietveld Sandberg Research
24 Jan
IN/Search RE/Search publication

Publication IN/Search RE/Search, edited by Gabrielle Kennedy, designed by Haller Brunm and published by Valiz with Gerrit Rietveld Academie / Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam, features works by various Sandberg & Rietveld alumni and students. The publication explores how:


Eva Hoonhout
Tom Vandeputte


postgraduate, research, lecture series, publishing, CrD, PhD

← Rietveld Sandberg Research
Curves of inquiry
2 Nov

Curves of Inquiry is a Gerrit Rietveld Academie initiative that showcases the findings of nine artist-researchers who completed a fellowships trajectory in the previous academic year. Each of these projects is carried out in close collaboration with a department of the Rietveld Academie or Sandberg Instituut to foster relationships between educational programs, research activities, and societal issues.

  • Date: 2 November Programme: 10:00 - 15:30
  • What: Launch “Fellows Published 2021-2022" and drinks: 16:00 - 17:00
  • Location: Gym (Rietveld building)

In the past few years the Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut have established different research fields that are recognized as important for the development of the fellowship programme in relation to our art education, as well as for a broader societal context. These fields are Artificial Intelligence, The City and Materiality. Springing from these broad thematic research fields the artist-researcher of this year have been working under the thematic umbrella of: An Accessible Data Praxis, Materials, displaced, and Sensory (non)citizenship. During Curves of Inquiry each of the artist-researchers will share their research process and outcomes in various ways ranging from a workshop to performances and exhibited work.

Additionally at the end of the afternoon a publication will be festively launched that was made together with the artist-researchers in the fellowship programme in 2021/2022. Feel free to join the programme and launch and to walk in and out with any of the activities. Note that for the workshop by Sandra Golubjevaite you have to sign-up in advance. (more info below)

Participating artists

"Sensory (non)citizenship"
Aaro Murphy
Charlie Clemoes
Olya Korsun

"Materials, displaced"
Alaa Abu Asad
Patrícia Domingues
Zaïra Pourier

"An Accessible Data Praxis"
Andrea Lopez Bernal
Sandra Golubjevaite

Contributors to the publication that will be launched:
Angeliki Tzortzakaki, Clementine Edwards, Elia Kalogianni, Jason Hendrik Hansma, Laura Papa & Elisabeth Klement , Maria Mazzanti, Octave Rimbert Riviere, Rachel 'O Reilly, Taylor Le Melle, and Wael Al Allouche.


10.00-12.00 workshop by Sandra Golubjevaite (open for walk-in)
During this collective code and non-code writing session, together we will script and craft a website outside its natural habitat. We will learn and experiment together with writing basic HTML and will merge our code- and language- based preferences and broadcast them online. The workshop will result in a hybrid (online/ offline) installation where by writing code manually and injecting it with all forms of personal and/ or experimental language, we will be manifesting a nuanced digital-space, in opposition to its commodified state. No prior coding knowledge required, in fact non-coders/ beginners preferred. Please bring your own laptop with you to the session.

13.00-13.30 Talk by Charlie Clemoes
Charlie Clemoes talks about the difficulty of making big complex things immediate, comprehensible and interesting, even when these things have a major impact on our everyday lives (think of something like the patriarchy, which critics, particularly on the right, have tended to dismiss because it isn't an object you can see and touch, it's not experienced immediately, as in, the patriarchy doesn't walk through the door and say "I'm the patriarchy", and yet, it still has a massive and persistent impact on everything we do, and everything around us, in all sorts of ways). This, Charlie explores through his research subject over the past year: the construction supply chain, a conspicuously dull subject that he has tried to make interesting through various creative means.

13.30-14.30 Performative reading by Alaa Abu Asad
In the ab­sence of the invasive: Can we fi­nally look at the Japanese knotweed as a green fu­ture companion?
In contemplating the historical journey of the noble, ornamental Japanese knotweed plant (Fallopia japonica), which has become hyper-demonised nowadays, and is considered invasive, unwanted, abhorrent and problematic, one can see how this plant has set the tone of invasion ecology, its offensive language, ethnobotany and urban greenery. Drawing from an ongoing research titled ‘The dog chased its tail to bite it off’, this reading traces the history of the plant, actual policies, national campaigns of combat and control, social / economic / political effects, the conflation between natural and national history, and most importantly the language (whether verbal or visual) used when talking about the plant and other invasive species. It also imagines alternative ways of living with these species via raising questions about mass production ethics, and exploitative forms of economy.

15:00-15:30 Performance by Andrea Lopez Bernal
“I’m on my way to meet you. I talked with the dentist and the doctor and they say blocking temporarily the trigeminal nerve is not something they can do for me. My doctor of trust said she will only do it if she knows the benefit if bigger than the risk, she refused to perform the task on me.
With the dentist I had a different approach, of course, I hid my intentions this time, I didn’t say it was for a performance. (Previously I consulted my dentist friend and she said I should ask for fixing a cavity on a lower molar, better is if it is the last one so I have more chance to get the anesthesia I want). I will keep on perusing this. I imagine talking to you while the right side of my face starts to get numb and unresponsive, by the moment I finish talking my face is melting. I will laugh and maybe even cry but only with half of my face. But no worries it’s fine, I will get it back to normal if everything goes well. It will last for around 3 hours. See you soon. Andrea.”

16:00-17:00 Publication Launch of “Fellows Published 2021-2022" and drinks
Join us for the publication launch of “Fellows Published 2021/2022” in the Gym at the basement of Rietveld Academie. The research fellowship project is an initiative by Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut for artists, designers, theorists, and other makers. It aims to facilitate and support short-term artistic research projects, each in collaboration with one of the schools’ departments. The process and findings of the fellows who conducted their research in 2021 and 2022 will be shared in this new online publication.

Accessibility Notes:
* The workshops and lectures will be held in English
* There is parking near the venue.
* The nearest metro station is Amstelveenseweg. (450m)
* The entire exhibition space is wheelchair accessible. It takes place in the basement and there is an elevator.
* There is no uneven flooring in the venue.
* There are gender-neutral toilets available. The venue has a wheelchair-accessible toilet on the ground floor.
* Service animals on a leash are allowed in the venue.
* There will not be a sign-language interpreter present for performances, lectures, or workshops.
* There will not be an audio description guide of the day.
* We can not guarantee that all video work is subtitled, this may vary per project.

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