Study Skills

Pilot version of intercurricular program where a small group of students meet regularly to strengthen their academic tools.


Mirjam Mazurel
Henri Snels


Increase resilience and study skills of students. During the meetings, subjects such as personal topics (making schedules, dealing with assessment moments and criticism), group dynamics and dealing with stress and finding balance are discussed.


5 group meetings

Target Group

BA students of all departments

Founding year

2019/2020 (pilot program)


student support, study skills, resilience

← Study Skills
Popcorn & Problems
11 Oct
— 29 Nov 2023

Learning is not always an easy process. Everyone has their own path to follow and brings with them their own unique mess of talents, experiences, and challenges. Yet, sooner or later, we often run into the same obstacles that can make studying difficult.

The Rietveld Living Room will open its doors every two weeks to create an informal space for exchange. Hunched over a big bowl of popcorn we will pick each other’s brain: we will share experiences, tactics, methods, and views that helped you (or can help you) to overcome certain problems during your studies. We will address them from different angles: from pragmatic solutions to philosophical viewpoints.
If it’s desired, we can use exercises that can help to gain insight into your own creative process and that of others. Let’s explore together what you need in order to study successfully.

Time: 17:00- 19:00
Dates: Wednesdays 11, 18 October, 1, 8, 22 and 29 November
Location: The Living Room
Contact & Info: tobias.krasenberg@rietveldacademie.nl

For who?

‘Popcorn & Problems’ is an informal space for all students of GRA and Sandberg Institute that are interested in improving their study skills, who would like to dive a bit deeper into a recurring personal study issue and who are interested in how others deal with certain study situations.

Topics are, but are not limited to:
TIME – Which practical planning techniques are out there? How do they work for creative people? How can you perceive time differently?
DOUBT – Some say it’s a crucial element within the creative process- How do you use it to your advantage?
FOCUS – How do you deal with distractions? Can you not wait to procrastinate? How do you manage your energy levels? Do you experience different kinds of focus and how do you utilize them?
PROCESS – What does your creative process look like? Are certain Which conditions can you create that help you in the different stages of this process? How can you actively experiment with it?
FREEDOM – “I want to go to Rietveld because it’s so free!” a famous quote… but now that you’re here- what exactly does it mean? Is it everything you’ve hoped for or does it require some adjustment? How do you navigate between your own ambition, feedback from others and the limitations that are there? What kind of feedback are you looking for? When do you welcome it, and when do you keep it at a distance? Would you like to create useful frameworks for yourself or are you eager to challenge internalised conventions and explore new grounds?
BALANCE – How do you maintain a healthy ‘Academy/Life’ balance? How are you connected to the city? What makes you feel at home? What is the importance of Third Places? How do you build a social support system?

The sessions will be based on exchange and revolve around the input of students. You can walk in with a specific topic you’d like to address or with a general interest. ‘Popcorn & Problems’ will be held every 2 weeks and consists out of 6 walk-in sessions, each focusing on one of the mentioned topics. The sessions will be guided by Tobias Krasenberg who can supply the group with active work forms and relevant references.

Tobias Krasenberg is a mentor in the Basic Year, member of the admissions committee and dialogue facilitator. Trained as a graphic designer (GRA) and agogic worker, his practice focusses on social design, process design and experimental education.

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