Adama Keïta | Slang and Tongue
30 Nov

Adama Keïta, student of Critical Studies, presents Slang and Tongue : A discourse on ton, slang and words as social-political artistic and cultural tools with invited speaker Olukemi Lijadu at:

The Theory Stairs of Sandberg Instituut,
Thursday 30 November,
18:30–20:00 hrs.

Olukemi Lijadu is an artist and DJ focusing on moving image and sound. She uses the power of cinema to take listeners on sonic journeys weaving between cultures and time. Lijadu DJ’s under the moniker Kem Kem. Music and music history are a living archive of communal memory and lost connections - critical given the fractured history of the Black diaspora worldwide. With heritage from Nigeria, the Caribbean and Brazil, the impetus of her artistic practice is both personal and political.

Adama Keïta is an Indo-Guadeloupean and Senegalese curator and cultural researcher raised in Martinique, working primarily on cross-cultural identity, love and Caribbean and African women in pre and post modernity. Now, she is engaged in the creation of a democratized institute namely Nianiba aiming to embody art and cultural research in a context conducive to critical dialogues; with an ongoing educational program on caribbean sonorities.

During this talk that takes the form of a chat room Olukemi and Adama will emphasize the importance of native languages as catalysts in social-political contexts and will discuss the concept of slangs in modern society.

Produced by PUB.
Design Cleo TSW.

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