29 Nov

Our current temporary program Artificial Times in collaboration with Fiber Festival invites you to Latent Assemblies – a one-day symposium on the interplay of artistic making and AI

Fri Nov 29
14:00 - 19:00
Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam
Tickets: https://www.fiber-space.nl/project/latent-assemblies/
Free tickets for all Sandberg & Rietveld Academy students and tutors

Thu Nov 28 + Sat Nov 30
Times to be announced
Sandberg Institute + other
Registration: https://www.fiber-space.nl/project/latent-assemblies/

Latent Assemblies provides a space for knowledge exchange, with the goal of learning about different strategies and making processes adopted by artists and designers working with machine learning technology and AI in general, in relation to sonic and audiovisual productions.

There is an abundance of both utopian and critical theoretical conversations about the impact of AI - and rightfully all important. Within the often overwhelming array, this symposium aims to disclose the actual making processes of artists using AI, the use of different systems and models, and herein, how artistic creators develop their work through assemblies of existing services and sometimes self-developed systems.

Furthermore, they'll be highlighting a variety of making processes and pressing questions concerning the future of synthetic-assisted creativity. Along with the illumination of these processes, critical and socio-cultural questions will be addressed, which are inseparable from working with AI. While being immersed in this state of AI, the symposium will also take a moment to zoom in and ask a series of fundamental questions about the potential next frontier of developments.

In addition to the symposium, they are offering a two-day workshop called BETWEEN THE LINES by the artist LOREM. Participators will be invited to use machine learning as an archive-based device for storytelling.

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