't Fijnhout

Former Theater Fijnhout strives to become a place where up-and-coming creatives can research, share, fail and learn.


Anne Lakeman
Irina Djojoatmodjo
Margherita Soldati


Theater in Amsterdam Oud-West that 3 students from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy will breathe new life into and start an exhibition space. Local residents can also propose initiatives. Studio spaces available.


Fijnhout Theater in Amsterdam-West, Lootsstraat 39

Founding year

2017-2018 (ended)

Further information

exhibition, studios

← 't Fijnhout
MadLab at Fijnhout
20 Apr
— 23 Apr 2017

FOUR ARTISTS, FOUR DAYS, ONE MADLAB! Come down to Cultureel Centrum 't Fijnhout between 20th and the 23rd of April to see what the MADLAB does best.

Over the four days the show will take shape, during this time the space will be open to visitors, who will be able to observe the MADLAB as it goes about it's daily business of creating and collaborating on projects. Each evening there will be a presentation of one or more of the members individual works, performance, film premiers and the like. On Sunday the 23rd we will hold a grand finnisage, during which visitors can come and see the result of four days intensive creation.

Although there is no way to tell how the show will evolve, we can reveal you of some the ideas you may come across :

Ð We will create a contrast between the entrance which will look like a white cube space and the rest of the show which will be come looser and more free.
Ð The smoking room will be the centre of the show, a place of tension and excitement.
Ð The MADLAB glass collection
Ð Crazy Mr Awkward live show!
Ð A premier of Nathan Favot's film on Robert Riphagen
Ð Sasha Herman's animation in various guises
Ð Robert Riphagens epic camera
Ð A 24/7 live feed camera where viewers can externally watch the activities of the MADLAB
Ð An active painting room where visitors can contribute to the MADLAB show
Ð And many more exciting things besides

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