Conscious Canteen

We are the Conscious Canteen & we want to reduce the use of one-time use material in the canteen.

Our basic initiative started from our own need to be more conscious in our lives. This made us look at our surroundings and question the choices made. So we decided to change the approach, trying to make the changes we would like to see realised. We hope to create more awareness and even for people to engage in a more social-conscious decision. And for people to even appreciate the food and the canteen even more through using real artifacts made for that purpose.

The ideal is to give more value to daily used objects and a positive small self-substantial change in people’s mind-set.


Amalie Jensen (glass)
Rebecca Cuschera (txt)
Lente Oosterhuis (design lab)
Béa Vancaillie (design lab)


Rietveld canteen

Founding year


Further information

ecology, food sustainability

← Conscious Canteen
Conscious Community Celébration
13 Jan
— 17 Jan 2020

A conscious community celebration for everyone in or out off Rietveld/Sandberg!

We are celébrating all the green initiatives and community projects happening, all trying to question and make our place better. together

3 week of january 2020 PROGRAM ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday 13/1 - Canteen day
The Conscious Canteen will be active and visible all around school.
Come by the canteen for a chat, ideas for improvement or a game of chess.

Tuesday 14/1 - Random surprise day
- Introduction of new stickers.
- Come and cook your own dinner at school by the pink house from 16, enjoy with wine.

Wednesday 15/1 – Garden day
- 10 -13 and 17-19 Join us in our collective garden and get your hands dirty!
There will be hot tea in the morning and beers later. Remember good shoes and your warm coat.
- 19 sceening of docmentary 'Seed: the untold story' by Virgina Vivaldi.

Thursday 16/1 – Conscious day
- 8:30 Start your morning with Yoga in the Pavilion by Kim Lang
- 9:30-10:30 Follow up movement and massage by Virgina Vivaldi.
- 14: SURPRISE in the pavilion!!!!
- 17-19 Conversation space, come talk, reflect and listen with Darya Golova and the conscious canteen.
- 19:30 Screening in auditorium with Sidsel Mehlsen ‘The Salt of the Earth’ by Juliano Ribeiro Salgado and Wim Wenders.

Friday 17/1 – Community day
-11 - Hummus workshop with recording of Lour
-12-14 Audio with mama D at the Food Autonomy Festival 2019, with questions and reading by Virgina Vivaldi of Dimitris Dalakoglou ''We are the infrastructure'' in the auditorium.
-11 - 15 Bread oven intro and baking by Johannes Reisigl, Jakob Krinz and Florian Lutz.
-15-17 Korean food workshop: vegan bibim by Seungji Jo together with Surim Kim and Seoha Jeong.
-15 - 18:30 Music by Radio Rietveld, Discobel - Isobel Payne.

***********************Details may change slightly***********************'

And of course - free for all thanks to the student council!

Enjoy and see you then!
xx The conscious canteen
- Lente Oosterhuis, Rebecca Cuschera & Amalie Ourø Jensen

Special thanks to
- Wonderful people doing wonderful initiatives
- The Canteen, Eric Kammeron
- The Student Council for all the support ♥

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