Textile Initiative

TEXTILE INITIATIVE is an ongoing event based project founded by Dasha Golova . TEXTILE INITIATIVE & TALK TO ME I WILL REPAIR YOUR CLOTHES has happened twice in Amsterdam at the Rietveld Glass Pavilion and the Big Vissel at Da Costakade and it was a big success thank to all contributors and experts volunteers! A new program for the event is being under development and curation.

TEXTILE INITIATIVE is a series of events that gather people of different social groups and age to the field of textile, that doesn't have a professional requirement but in fact a very personal every day engagement. The TI has an always changing place and format but holds on the same values around creating a safe space for human exchange, exploring the potential of collaboration, where the idea of textile is interlaced with human relations and sharing knowledge, skills and time. TALK TO ME I WILL REPAIR YOUR CLOTHES is an integral part of the TI where a ever changing group of volunteers repair and mend someone's damaged clothes or textiles. This free service is provided only during the event with the possibility for everyone to talk, learn and fix together, under the guidance or completely by yourself. Repairing clothes became a trigger to engage with each other and reinforce the values of human interaction.

Founder (person or department)

Darya Golova (Fine Arts)


Looking for companions

Founding year



creation of a safe place for human exchange, facilitation of all sorts of events and voices of artists, initiatives, collectives, researchers, teachers about textile, craft, politics of textile production and use, textile and human resources, female labour, politics of care….

Target Group

Everyone who is noticing prevailing presence of textiles in our lives and surroundings, curious and enthusiastic people, artists, artisans and researchers


Public events such as workshops, tours, performances, presentations and talks, participatory exhibitions


Glass Pavilion
Big Vissel studio at Tetterode


social fabric, textile, material, ecology, collaboration, hand craft, discourse, commons

← Textile Initiative
/w Ellen Yiu, Meghan Clarke & Romy Day Winkel
29 Jun

Announcing our third event with contributions from Ellen Yiu, Meghan Clarke and Romy Day Winkel hosted at Zone2Source!

Saturday 29 June
2pm-4.30pm: Miniature Quilt-making Workshop with Ellen Yiu
5pm: Between Was And Am – Performance by Meghan Clarke
6pm: ]bracket – Performance by Romy Day Winkel
@ Zone2Source, Amstelpark 4

Join us for a day centred around the making and maintenance, use and decay of material; following the passage of time that accompanies textile pieces and the processes of crafting them. We will begin with a workshop led by Ellen Yiu, followed by two performances by Meghan Clarke and Romy Day Winkel, respectively.

~ Sign up to Ellen’s workshop via: https://linktr.ee/textileinitiative
~ You don’t need to sign up to the performances, everyone is welcome!

Textile Initiative is kindly supported by AFK & Stichting Stokroos

Graphic design identity by Lejla Vala Verheus

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