Textile Initiative

TEXTILE INITIATIVE is an ongoing event based project founded by Dasha Golova . TEXTILE INITIATIVE & TALK TO ME I WILL REPAIR YOUR CLOTHES has happened twice in Amsterdam at the Rietveld Glass Pavilion and the Big Vissel at Da Costakade and it was a big success thank to all contributors and experts volunteers! A new program for the event is being under development and curation.

TEXTILE INITIATIVE is a series of events that gather people of different social groups and age to the field of textile, that doesn't have a professional requirement but in fact a very personal every day engagement. The TI has an always changing place and format but holds on the same values around creating a safe space for human exchange, exploring the potential of collaboration, where the idea of textile is interlaced with human relations and sharing knowledge, skills and time. TALK TO ME I WILL REPAIR YOUR CLOTHES is an integral part of the TI where a ever changing group of volunteers repair and mend someone's damaged clothes or textiles. This free service is provided only during the event with the possibility for everyone to talk, learn and fix together, under the guidance or completely by yourself. Repairing clothes became a trigger to engage with each other and reinforce the values of human interaction.

Founder (person or department)

Darya Golova (Fine Arts)


Looking for companions

Founding year



creation of a safe place for human exchange, facilitation of all sorts of events and voices of artists, initiatives, collectives, researchers, teachers about textile, craft, politics of textile production and use, textile and human resources, female labour, politics of care….

Target Group

Everyone who is noticing prevailing presence of textiles in our lives and surroundings, curious and enthusiastic people, artists, artisans and researchers


Public events such as workshops, tours, performances, presentations and talks, participatory exhibitions


Glass Pavilion
Big Vissel studio at Tetterode


social fabric, textile, material, ecology, collaboration, hand craft, discourse, commons

← Textile Initiative
What Is This Textile?
26 Feb
— 27 Feb 2019


The program that uncovers a very personal experience within textile and extends in the Pavilion trough different activities/voices of artists and designers. During two days the participants share their knowledge/skills/time and bring the new value to your broken clothes.

Tuesday and Wednesday the whole day pass by and we will repair your clothes!
Isobel Whalley Payne / Esther Gandrup for darning/mending woollen jumpers/

Maria Alejandra/ Annemarijn Bulsink/ Evi Olde Rikkert/ Bea+Pippa/ Morta Jonynaite/ Mika Perlmutter/Adriana Lasheras Mabanta/ Pien Overing/Dasha Golova for any kind of broken pieces.

Darning Days
Has your woollen jumper worn out? Has it been ripped, torn, frayed or bitten by moths? No matter how many holes it has bring it to the Pavilion to have the warp and the weft of the wool darned, mended, repaired and rewoven with different colours! Isobel and Esther will also be exhibiting the many jumpers they have mended so far in their ongoing project...

26th of February

The Whole day screening
Heavy In My Head, Light In My Body by Morta Jonynaite;
Reminiscence - embodiment - fulfilment of the teenage self.
From model to designer, from dreams as escapes to steps towards reality.
Join me for a walk under the hat that may help to drift away or provide extra space for explosive mind.

An Invitation To Quilt by Mika Perlmutter, Workshop;
"I am hosting a quilting workshop, where I would like to invite you to join me in hand-stitch quilting of recycled garment-patchworks that I am making for my graduation work. The patchworks consist of reworked sports-wear and second-hand household textiles.

The aim of the project is to repurpose “old” ideas and traditions of regeneration and remaking of materials as a method and catalyst for creating “new” fashion garments.
Patchwork and quilting, in the past, has been a craft stemming from necessity out of scarcity, but could in the present be a proposition for creation where necessity comes out of excess.

A quilt is made out of three physical layers of textile where the hand-stitch quilting is the binding moment, one of the final stages of an equally multiple-layered process.
In dealing with patchwork, one is also dealing with a fragmented, pieced-together narrative of materials, technologies, histories and cultures.
The binding stitches – you – are as an important layer of the quilt, where your personal handwriting is a vital part of the overall narrative.

I want the workshop to be a space and time to exchange knowledge and stories.
Come and share a few stitches or many!"

Everything you need to join the workshop (materials) will be provided by Mika.

What Is All Missing On Our Care Labels by Vera Laarakker, Performance;

A symphony of information.
3 voices Weaving a fabric,

27th of February

The Whole Day Screening
Shaving Sheep And The Mystery Of Dutch Romanticism by Evi Olde Rikkert;
The Dutch Romanticists have argued almost without exception over and over again that they certainly don’t want to be Romanticists. – The mystery of Dutch Romanticism // Het raadsel van de Nederlandse Romantiek // Wessel Krul

Super dutch

Maybe we should go back to where we came from
Where the food is cheap and the sea transparent
Here it’s raining, it’s unorganized
But Julia said the life is good here
the young cats are happy
they make that sound cats make when they are happy

I love to rise in a summer morn
When the birds sing on every tree
The distant huntsman winds his horn
And the sky lark sings with me
O! what sweet company

But to go to school in a summer morn
O! It dives all joy away
-William Blake

Joy joy joy joy
Woolly soft
Also itchy
Soft soft soft soft soft
With time and travel came the cracks
And in the cracks mould started to form
But it doesn’t matter
As you can just cut those parts off
The taste won’t be spoiled

Goosebumps As Chrysalis by Virginia Vivaldi, Meditation;
Bring your favorite textile, dress comfortably.

We will manifest the moment by wearing its shape.

Living Loom by Annemarijn Bulsink, Performance Piece;

Witness us creating a woven piece through our moving bodies - passing each other alternately, letting the choreographical pattern construct the fruit of our loom. Whilst investigating the meditative feature of the repetitive movement, acting as a uniform body weaving our way through the space as a practice, ritual.

In The Golden Land: Sweatshops, Yiddish And Poems by Danielle Alhasid אין גאלדענעם לאנד, Tour

thę hóąrdęr-gąthęręr: spacial immersive lecture about coffin pillows and punching bags by Tomasz Skibicki

As a Hoarder-Gatherer you are a coincider. You make stuff coincide with each other. Stuff, no matter if it is an object in your hand, a thought in your mind or an event in your environment. They don’t need any apparent causal connection. You produce the synchronicities and give them meaning.

Your hoarding grounds are the outdoors and the indoors. You tramp around let yourself guide by paranoia. Be prepared to act quickly. Coincidences happen within narrow time windows, which means they are not only events, but also an actual framed in-between space.

Your coinciding space is a memory palace. It is an internal device with a circuit composed of stuff - or more precise - multiple memory cells. This is a well-known place to you. This place is visualised and imprinted in your mind. This is your structure to store stories and recall any kind of stuff in. This is where stuff stands the test of time....

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