
The Graare [Gerrit Rietveld Academie Augmented Reality Exhibition] is a virtual multiplatform exhibition made for Graphic Designers by Graphic Designers. We want to show that graphic design and graphic works can be adopted and transformed to exist beyond the physical form. In these uncertain times, we are using new tech to build a widely accessible virtual exhibition.

The Exhibition will happen without the need for physical contact in the open space of the Museumkwartier in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Founder (person or department)

GRA Graphic Design Dept.


Dongseok Min
Kirill Zakomoldin

Founding year



Augmented Reality Exhibition

Further information
GRAARE Open Call
21 Nov
— 26 Nov 2020

Dear Graphic Designers, we have exciting news!

What? We are making a virtual exhibition. It will be a series of Instagram AR filters, that will exist in between physical and virtual space, activated by QR codes in certain areas of the city.

Why? We want to show that graphic design and graphic art can adapt and transform to exist beyond the physical form. In these uncertain times, we are using the new technology to make a multiplatform exhibition, which is available to a wide audience. The exhibition will happen without physical contact and in the open space.

When? Open Call: (21 November—26 November); Selection of the works (Sunday, 29 November); Opening of the Exhibition (10 December); The Graare Exhibition: December—January.

Works: We are looking for works that... You didn’t exhibit; you couldn’t show; you made, but never presented; you wanted to exhibit, but never got a chance to; you want to exhibit, but the right chance hasn’t come across; or... just generally something that you want to see exhibited. We will select the works and transform them into Augmented Reality filters.

Format: It can be any work, as long as you can send it to us in the following formats: jpg, png, obj, fbx. The file size limit is 4MB.

Deadline: Please send us your works by mail by 26 November.

How? Send us your work, its title, and a short description to Thisworldout@gmail.com or Eastmin9@gmail.com with "The Graare” in the subject of the email.

PLEASE NOTE! You can only submit your work if you study/studied graphic design at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie.

Yours Truly,
Dongseok and Kirill

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